Safety must be one of the priorities in a construction worksite. To do this, it is vital that there is a range of construction warning signs. These signs let the people in the worksite know about the hazard in the area.
The safety signs on your worksite may involve everything from safety guidelines to warnings about the biohazards. Required construction site signage depends on the threats that are present in the area. There are four (4) major types of alert signs, which include those that warn of different danger levels and those that support the training received by your workers in keeping the safety of the work environment. Putting signage around your job site imposes safety among your employees.
To make sure that all workers understand the meanings of the signs, train them on the language that they prefer, as well as utilize pictures that communicate the hazards that the signs warn against. Doing so will keep you conforming to the rights of the workers on the worksite. Moreover, clear safety signs show every user to be more aware. Colour-coded signs, as per OSHA regulations, also ensure that everyone can recognize the presented threat level, regardless of their native language.
Below are the four (4) basic signs which your job site must have to comply with the safety rules of OSHA:
Danger Signs
These are the most important of all the signs that could be present on your job site because these warn workers of the highest possible risks present in the area. Danger signs are required to be present in the areas with the most immediate threats. If there could be potentially severe injury or death, then danger signs must be installed. OSHA recommends that danger signs have black, red and white colours.
Red is the universal indicator of serious hazards. The red colour in danger signs communicates to workers that they need to stop and think about what they have to do before nearing the area.
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Warning and Caution Signs
Warning and caution signage tell those who are near the area to take a moderate level of caution because danger may exist. This degree is lower than danger and somewhat more severe than caution. Warning signs may replace caution signs, unlike danger signs which have no replacements.
Caution signs tell employees that they have to remain alert for possible dangers or hazards. Yet, the chances of injuries in areas with warning and caution signs are considerably lower than in areas with danger signs.
These signs must be black lettering on a bright yellow background. Slipping hazards are a type of threat that you can apply caution signs to warn about.
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Biological Hazard Signs
These signs are needed whenever a possible or actual threat already exists/ Biological hazard signs also warn lab workers, animals, containers and other things that could retain biological agents.
The colours must be orange-red or fluorescent orange. Lettering must be clearly contrasted against the background for easy reading. Any signage with a biological hazard figure must possess the design positioned with one of the three circles, which are pointed upward and the other two beside the bottom of the symbol, in a triangular outline. OSHA requires such orientation of the symbol because when placed properly, the emblem is a worldwide indication of a health hazard from a biological source.
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Safety Instruction Signs
New and seasoned workers need safety guidelines. Safety signs strategically placed around the worksite do just that. Safety instructions signs inform your workers to wear hard hats in the designated areas. Black lettering on a white background completes a safety sign. Aside from this, a green background with white letters also shows needed instructions.
In picking the best construction site signage, you are not just selecting the best option. It shows your willingness to invest in your worksite and employees.
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