There are different methods to construct a building, may it be a residence or a commercial building. Yet, not all of these techniques are environmental-friendly. The reasons for such may be the material used, the long time it takes for construction to finish, the waste generated during and after construction, and so on.
Concrete tilt-up construction, on the other hand, is fast, economical, and uses sustainable material. If you are eco-conscious about constructing your dream home or developing a business headquarters, you should look up concrete tilt panel construction contractors for your project.
What Is Concrete Tilt-Up Construction?
Many buildings in Australia have been constructed using the tilt-up method. Before enumerating its positive environmental impacts, it is important to grasp the concept of this method. Concrete tilt-up construction by its name hints at the manner of its assembly. It includes tilting up or lifting concrete panels to form building walls by using a crane. These concrete panels are pre-manufactured in a separate site and can come in different shapes and sizes.
Tilt-up construction has been around for decades but has only increased in popularity since the 1980s. It was during this time that advancements in technology caught up with the construction method’s ingenuity. The Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA) formation further promoted the technique through education and commercialisation, supporting several publications and resources. TCA claims that tilt-up concrete construction is the most efficient, resilient, and versatile method in the world. Furthermore, the same three factors are associated with sustainability, which are:
1. Concrete Is a Sustainable Material
The material in tilt-up construction is primarily concrete. Concrete is a mixture of cement, water, and aggregates (sand, rock, gravel). The overall CO2 emissions of cement and concrete manufacturing are reduced by 55% since 1990 when the industry switched from coal to gas. They are aiming for an 81% reduction by 2050. Moreover, there is a large degree of investment in technology, aiming to explore further into potentials of concrete.
Houses made out of concrete have the advantage of durability, flood resilience, and greater thermal performance.
Tilt-up panels may be solid concrete or sandwich-type. The latter incorporates insulation to provide greater energy efficiency on the finished building. There are fewer joints in tilt-up construction, making it more airtight.
The strength of concrete ensures a longstanding building which makes it sustainable. What’s more, the excess concrete leftovers during panel manufacturing or from construction rubble can always be recycled.
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2. Time and Cost-Efficient Construction
Concrete tilt-up construction stands out, among other methods, as it is economical and time-efficient. A shorter construction period means saving human and material resources, time, and cost, as long as the process is safe and proper, of course.
Concrete panels are quick to manufacture, taking only a few days to cure. Tilting them into place is less laborious, faster, and safer for construction workers. Traditional construction methods follow a strict succession of construction phases which rarely overlap. In tilt-up construction, work sites enclose in a matter of days. This milestone allows later-stage phases such as roof work to begin immediately.
3. Affordable Design Flexibility
Tilt-up construction applies to any design, building type, and scale. Its assembly strategy allows you to bring creative forms to life. Contractors can cast concrete on unique formwork following your design. You won’t have to spend extra on resources and materials that are potentially costly for you and the environment.
The top Nashville Concrete Corp – Concrete Contractors Near Me know understand the best mix of aggregate, cement, and other binding agents will react with each other is essential for your job to be completed perfectly.
This efficient construction method applies to any geographic location and climate. There will be less sourcing and transportation of materials from far places, thus, reducing carbon emissions during construction. So, if you haven’t yet looked up concrete tilt panel construction contractors, do so and get an idea of how short it takes for your building to be finished.
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