Fitness and exercise is one of those industries which has really boomed over the past few decades. People are much more aware about the need to take care of themselves, both physically and mentally. In addition, now the focus is not just on weight loss or muscle building. Instead, more and more people want to be fit just to feel good in general. So, if you’re a fitness trainer offering consultation sessions, you probably have a lot of competition around you.
You need to make sure people know about your consultation sessions through various marketing channels. However, one channel you really need to focus on is social media. Social media marketing is a surefire way to get the word out to as many people as possible. In addition, it has numerous ways for audiences to talk about your services. Therefore, you should focus on promoting your fitness consultation session on social media. Here are a few tips to get you started.
Choose the right platforms
The first thing you need to do is pick the right social media platforms. For example, something like X (formerly Twitter) wouldn’t really help you showcase your services. However, Instagram offers the perfect opportunities to market your fitness consultations.
So, take a look at the nature of your consultations and what types of clients you specialize in. Then, target your audience accordingly. If you specialize in geriatric fitness consultations, then you may still find your audience on Facebook. Therefore, do your research in advance, and then pick what platforms you should focus on.
Put up posters and distribute flyers
Market your consultation services by highlighting what you offer and mentioning your expertise. Do this by designing attractive posters and flyers. Use PosterMyWall to make these fitness posters and flyers without worrying about any design issues. You can just customize a template with your theme colors and imagery for the best results.
Share these posters and flyers on your social media platforms. Add links to your contact information and booking information in these images as well. You should also print out these posters and put them where you can. Also keep a stack of flyers at hand and distribute them around your target areas. You can go to various gyms, parks, and stores to hand out these flyers and put up these posters, with all dues permissions taken.
Share short, informative videos
Your social media audience needs to believe you are a fitness expert in order to sign up for your consultation services. So, you should showcase your authority and knowledge with short videos. These can either be demonstrations of any exercises or practices you commonly advise, or you can simply talk to your audience about common fitness concerns they have.
Keep these videos short, and try going live once in a while. This will show how well you know your field. When people see the valuable advice you offer in general, they will be more likely to approach you for customized and personalized fitness consultation sessions.
Engage with social media fitness trends
A fun way to connect with your audience is to engage with social media trends. There are often some fitness trends going viral. These can be something like a pushup challenge, or simply be a fun video stitch on Reels and TikTok. So, keep an eye out for the latest trend, and become part of it.
This will help you get more views and may even have the potential to go viral. So, do your own versions of any social media trends going around. Of course, if you see any harmful trends going around, you should engage with them by talking about their negative impact. This will show you are not just there to gain followers, but also have your audience’s best interests in mind.
Include customer testimonials
Few things work better than ratings and testimonials on social media. You can keep talking about your knowledge and expertise, but there will still be skeptical people in your audience. The best way to deal with this skepticism is to share success stories of past clients.
Have your customers make short videos of how well your consultation worked for them, and share them on your social media channels. This will help you get more customers. In addition, if you incentivize people to share reviews and testimonials, you can retain existing customers as well.
Run some paid ads
Paid ads cannot be ignored in your social media strategy. While the above methods will get you ample organic social media traffic, you may want to give it a small push for the best results.
So, choose a few relevant posts, and run them as paid ads. These will help you get more followers on social media, and attract potential customers.
To sum up, social media is the perfect channel to promote your fitness consultation services. Once you have a solid strategy and start posting regularly, you will see the fruits of your efforts.