Many of you might be asking what exactly page score means. Page score is also referred to as Page Rank. It means that the sites we see on the search engine are ranked. Page rank is an algorithm that Google uses to rank its web pages in their search engine results. It is a way of measuring the importance of the various web pages and you need to optimize your WordPress website for high speed.
According to google “Page rank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites.”
This algorithm is not the only one used by Google. It is the first algorithm used by the company and the best-known one. It gives us a probability output that a user might randomly click on the link and arrive at a site or a page. It is assumed in several research papers that the distribution is evenly divided among all documents in the collection at the beginning of the computational process. If you want to know more about how to create a good page score, join Digital Marketing Courses in Pune.
How is the Page authority scored?
Moz is one of the popular all-in-one SEO software suites that holds tools to improve search engine visibility. Key features of MOZ include Link Explorer, Keyword Explorer and Rank Tracker.
Now, Moz uses a 100-point Logarithmic scale to score Page authority ranks. The page ranking service provider must know that scoring 70 to 80 is harder than scoring 20-30.
State the indicator of a good page score?
There isn’t any good or bad score. The business should know the goals before using the PA checker. The goals have to be SMART. SMART refers to specific, measurable, attainable, relatable, and timely. You should have full knowledge of data activity and its purpose.
Guide on having a perfect Google Page Speed or Page score
SEO is important for the website but good page speed will create an impact on the visitors. Getting the balance of perfect user experience and Page Speed is quite tricky. Moreover, the formula varies from website to website. Learn to have a good page score for your business from Online Digital Marketing Courses.
Domain Name System (DNS)
DNS translates human-readable domain names to machine-readable domain names. You may opt to choose Cloudflare. If you are using a shared hosting environment then Cloudflare will be the better option for you and will help you a lot. In case you don’t have any skills or time to install Cloudflare then you may use the alternative. You may choose to use hosting providers such as WP-Engine, Press labs, All of these comes with a built-in server cache and CDN configuration.
Server response time
The benchmark of server response time has to be 0.2 seconds. If your page response time is above that Google will mark your page down. In order to improve your server response time, you can opt for any one of the following:
1.Hosting – You need to have sufficient resources to handle your traffic. If you choose to run the page without sufficient resources then the traffic at your webpage will result in longer SRTs, which means that the server will handle fewer users in a given time period.
2.Choose your web smartly- Apache is an excellent as well as attractive option. You still can get better results with Nginx or OpenLiteSPeed. Having many options may get overwhelming and put in a bit of time at the initial phase. It will definitely pay off later as you get better at handling changes.
3.Optimization- After having your web server you need to set it up. There are no generalized solutions for optimizing the webserver because each web server configuration differs.
4.Bloat reduction- Bloat will accumulate if you use a content management system like WordPress or Magento. For a solution, cull things that your website doesn’t need. Always optimize the images, resources and compress your file.
5.Database Optimization- If your database is retrieving the data efficiently then you speed up the loading time for the website. the first reason why the server responds slowly is Slow Queries. You have to optimize your server. Good optimization includes rewriting the queries, using indexes where needed, and changing the schema to group objects.
JavaScript and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Blocking
Identify which part of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JS (JavaScript) files are proving critical for your rendering. Then you need to load those parts to the <head> element of HTML by inlining them within the <style> tags. Now enable defer loading or asynchronous loading of non-critical elements. In the case of JavaScript files, you can simply add defer or sync attributes to <script> tags.
There are plugins that deal with CSS and JS files. Most of them are Autoptimize and Better WordPress Minify. Using Autoptimize will make your website worse. You will have a good page speed but the site will not be usable. With WordPress Minify you get the configuring. This configuring will take time, will move the scripts around, and finally will check if the site operates correctly or not.
You can opt for Better WordPress Minify, it allows greater control and enables you to pick and choose the activity related to JS and CSS files.
Plugin Hoarder
If you are using CMS (Content management services) like WordPress, Joomla, etc. More plugins will result in a slower site. Remove the plugin that is not used. You can also do tweaks that use custom coding rather than installing monster plugins. This will load 2+3 JavaScript’s or CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) files.
Enable the compression on the server and then make changes to your htaccess file. Htaccess code will help to deflate everything that a website render.
Lastly, images are the main reason for the low page speed score, it is advised that on mobile views remove or hide the image that does not add value to the mobile experience.
You can also try the below things if compression doesn’t work:
Step 1: You can add Apache lines of code to the hosts for your site.
Step 2: Check your site in a file and find the line that starts with <Directory>. Now add the code above that into the section and save your file.
Step 3: Now, reload the Apache.
This article has gathered much technical information and these technical aspects are often overlooked. You can always change or amend the things around and test it on several variants of code at your own website. having satisfaction optimization is an important part of your on-page optimization strategy and it relates to rank brain. Optimizing the website means the website holds answerable content. Having optimizing a website is a tricky task but not an impossible one, you can learn this task by joining Digital Marketing Classes in Pune.
Achieving a high page speed score or good page score is essential to SEO. It is important as most of them are mobile users. Having a mobile-friendly website will increase your website traffic.