The world of accessibility continues to expand, and many website owners are realizing that what worked for them before isn’t acceptable today. It’s often taken for granted that everyone with a computer can access a website. However, people with various disabilities find the digital world extremely challenging because of simple omissions in how websites work for them. Everything from sight to sound to easy-enough zones to click on matters tremendously to viewers with accessibility challenges. As a result, accessibility design matters more now than ever. No surprise, HTML standards have been incorporating such rules as well to broaden the overall availability of digital information en masse.
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Standing in Someone Else’s Shoes for a Minute
Sometimes it helps to look at Internet accessibility from multiple perspectives versus just the most obvious one. For example, someone who lives with Parkinson’s Disease may need to focus on keeping their hands still. This effects trying to use physical computer peripherals, such as a mouse. Click-link areas are a barrier forusers who can’t successfully click. Simply broadening the size of the click area with bigger fonts or a zone symbol/image versus text solves the problem. Colorblindness and visual ease are other big areas. Simply choosing colors that have better contrast between foreground and background and avoiding red or green helps tremendously. Thousands of these issues exist in regular HTML and CSS coding. Accessibility standards look to correct this series of omissions to make the Internet work better.
Problem Identified, Now How to Fix?
So how does a website owner or administrator go about reviewing their portal for accessibility improvement? One of the best ways is a professional audit or review. While a site administrator can try and research accessibility standards, that might take too long for business expectations. Sufficient baseline training typically takes about three months, covering a gamut of topics and scenarios to watch out for. Instead, with a testing run provided by Accessibe reviews or similar, one can receive a full audit detailing exactly what needs to be changed, on which page, which features, and why. The information is practically gold for transforming a traditional website into an accessible one.
Fast Site Building Creates Additional Challenges
Additional challenges come with the use of site-building templates. This is a common approach in web portal startups, utilizing code and packages prebuilt and then applied to specific purposes. It’s quite common for these templates to address primary needs but not necessarily accessibility specifications. They oftentimes need to be gone through to add the additional accessibility code, either in HTML or CSS, but it can take time to find all the shortfalls. Again, a site review by accessibe or a similar expert service can solve this problem quickly, identifying all the specific areas where an update is needed for fast migration.
Don’t Climb a Mountain When You Can Use an Easy Path
The Internet’s capabilities are light years ahead of where things were maybe just five or ten years ago, but it also means that there is a greater reliance on digital tools for information access by a much wider audience as well. To make sure your site incorporates the broadest audiences as much as possible, accessibility standards need to be proactively pursued. In many business environments, this is also becoming either required by regulation or by industry voluntary standards. So, to make what might be a Mt. Everest of a task easier and far more manageable, like a small bump in the road, lean on accessibility reviews for quick results. They are fast, accurate, and comprehensive enough to cover all the main issues your site or portal needs to address.