People’s belief and trust in alternate medicine and healing has seen a rise over the past few years. Some methods also have scientific backing, for example, Acupuncture. As the world becomes more open to alternative healing, more knowledge of those practices spread globally. One such practice is smudging or the burning of herbs, sage in particular. The roots of smudging are in Native American culture. A few Native American tribes used smudging to cleanse auras and space of negative energies. It is undeniable that smudging does show physical proof of healing after use. Several people today have adopted this process in their lives and even add crystals to the ritual. A smudge stick and crystals can work together and help an individual attain or manifest their thoughts. Or simply, people can use it to cleanse any negative forces or energies that may have pervaded their space.
An aura is an individual’s energy, similar to what people popularly refer to as “vibe”. It is the mental state of being of the individual. Energy is all around; every space and person, and even inanimate objects, have a presence or energy. This energy influences everything around it, even if only a little. If this influence is negative, then people exposed to this energy will start feeling its effects. It might be subtle, like a sudden change in mood. Or prolonged, like a long period of feeling depressed, anxious or listless. In essence, negative energies cause negative emotions. Cleansing one’s aura or a room’s energy can instantly uplift moods and clear the mind.
Smudge sticks are a bunch of cleansing or healing herbs, dried and tied together. They are as thick as a clenched fist and burn for long. People can light a smudge stick and put it out to reuse later. Several online stores sell specialised smudge sticks. These sticks consist of several different herbs, but the vase tone is always sage. Sage herb has several benefits for both the mind and the body. It helps increase cognitive power and positive energy, reflecting on the individual’s health.
While sage is the base, people can choose the accompanying herbs based on the benefits they provide. Some of the common herbs people can find in combination with sage are lavender, frankincense, myrrh, bayberry, bay leaf, cedar, etc. Each herb has its own added benefits; for example, lavender is known to soothe and calm the nerves.
There are several ways to include a crystal into one’s space,
- Wear it as a pendant
- Soak it in water and spray the water around the room
- Hold it inside the palm while meditating
- Keep it under the pillow
- Place it anywhere in the room
People can get creative with how they include the crystal in their routine and notice the changes. There are a plethora of crystals to choose from, and again, each of them has a specific purpose. Some crystals are also created explicitly for chakra meditation and healing.
The first step in choosing a smudge stick and crystals is to figure out what one lacks. Several anxieties and depressive moods come from circumstances and occurrences that are out of the individual’s control. These circumstances might bring to light the individual’s weaknesses or shortcomings. People can choose the crystal that will help them in that respect. These are the five basic crystals,
- Clear Quartz – Heals; Empowers; Balance
- Turquoise – Luck; Confidence; Grounding
- Amethyst – Protect; Purify; Wisdom
- Moon Stone – Courage; Growth: Beginnings
- Obsidian – Strength; Clarity; Protects