Career guidance comprises services that help individuals successfully manage their development in their careers. Career Guidance in India is an aspect of human development where the process through which an individual’s work identity emerges.
Many people seek Career Guidance for Working Professionals assistance only when they are trying to choose a career initially or when they are going through changes. The objective of career guidance however is to offer support to people throughout their whole lives.
Getting assistance when choosing a career:
There are too many people who are not satisfied with what they do for a living. They make flaws when choosing a career and end up in a job that isn’t the right one. It’s not surprising since going through the career planning process includes several steps which one should take when choosing a career.
It is not good to make random choices as it might be simple! As there is a sufficient amount of time required to spend at work, one should do everything possible to make a well-informed decision. Getting assistance from the professional who offers career guidance can be the difference between ending up with an incorrect career and with a satisfying one.
A Career Guidance for Working Professionals such as career counsellors may use a self-assessment instrument to help individuals learn about their values, interests, personality types and skills. After coming up with a list of jobs that might seem suitable for each one of them based on the results, one can show how to explore them and then eliminate the ones that are not as good as others. Then the counsellors can help in creating action plans that will allow in pursuing the occupation one has chosen.
Getting help with one’s job choice:
There’s no point in choosing a vocation if one does not know how to find a job. Career Guidance in India also comprises offering job search assistance when aspirants are looking for their initial job or any alternate ones. How everyone looks for work has changed drastically over the last few decades and it keeps continuing to change. Career Guidance for Working Professionals keeps updated on the best methods to use when searching for jobs.
Career counsellors will show which resources can be used to locate job announcements. They will help in writing an effective resume and will teach on networking it. One can also get advice on how to best answer questions and negotiate job offers when it comes time to go on job interviews.
Getting Mid-Career Advice:
Individuals can also get directions about things that occur later in addition to getting help with matters that involve getting a career such as securing one’s first job or choosing a vocation. For instance, Career Guidance in India also includes helping individuals deal with workplace issues and advancing their careers. They can tell individuals what can be done to get the promotion or get the hike or help in deciding whether to quit the job or not. The advice can also be gotten along with bosses and co-workers, responding and preparing for performance reviews and managing burnout and job stress.
Getting help if the job is lost:
Job loss would be challenging both emotionally and financially. A piece of identity is also taken away when the job is lost. The most depressing result however is the loss of income. Assisting with those who are dealing with challenging life changes is a component of career guidance. Since most of them will not like to spend extra money when they are feeling distressed about their finances, they can look into low-cost or free career guidance services.
Another advisor or career counsellor can assist newly employed individuals to adhere to practical issues like applying for life health insurance or about the causes of unemployment. Eventually, he or she can help the individuals help the job search process. They can also get advice and motivation from support groups and through professionals who are in the same situation.
Getting the advice on making career changes:
Certain individuals switch their careers several times as they don’t want to stay in the same occupation for their entire working lives. So, Career Guidance in India for working professionals can offer advice when taking on this kind of alternation.
One can go and meet with career development specialists as they can help with assessing alternating skills. With their assistance, one can discover which skills they can utilize for their new occupation and the ones to get acquired before beginning a new career.
Thus, Career Guidance For Working Professionals includes career development, career counsellors, and facilitators. School guidance counsellors offer these services to high school and middle school students who can make an early start on making career-related decisions.
Career centres conducted in libraries are also a wonderful source of free career planning assistance.