To inform us about the correct use of spaces, fixtures, and accessories incorporated in universally accessible environments, presents us with a design guide for residential and public bathrooms. The objective is to contribute to freeing Persons with Disabilities (PeSD) or Restricted Mobility from architectural barriers that do not consider normality in the access and use of these spaces, since the disability is not in the person, but concerning the barriers of the environment.
Basic Concepts Of Accessibility
Before developing the specific design of the bathroom during the handicap bathroom remodeling, it is essential to give a general framework within which some basic concepts of accessibility are incorporated:
It extends the concept of disability to people with a permanent or temporary “restricted mobility” condition, such as for overweight people, mothers with a car, people with a cast, crutches, etc. Under this condition, we could all be potential users at some point.
Concept Of ‘Accessible Route’
It refers to wide pedestrian circulation and continuous routes for anyone, with a minimum width of 1.20m x 2.10m high. You must have:
- Stable pavement.
- Homogeneous and non-slip surface, free of obstacles and steps.
- Provide equal conditions and opportunities to make use of the spaces autonomously or assisted and without restrictions.
- There must be an expeditious route that allows the user to connect from any building, public or private, with evacuation routes, parking lots, elevators, and toilets through a system of flexible routes.
- Encourage the elimination of architectural barriers to promote the independent use of spaces, both public and private.
Scopes According To Building Type
Every building for public use, regardless of its occupancy load and that considers, at least, an enclosure with an occupancy load more significant than 50 people (such as meeting rooms, theaters, hotels, restaurants, clinics, casinos), should have a Precinct for toilet service with independent access for people with disabilities, for alternative use of both sexes.
Its dimensions must allow the incorporation of a toilet, a sink, support bars, the entrance, and the maneuvering of a wheelchair with a space that allows 180º turns, in a minimum diameter of 1.50 m. This enclosure may be included within the minimum provision of appliances and hygienic services considered.
When public toilets are incorporated into the project in educational establishments by remodeling contractors Houston, at least one toilet must be provided for people with disabilities and more than one if it exceeds 60 students. The toilet service for people with disabilities may be of an alternative use for both sexes. The access doors to the dressing rooms must consider a free passage width of 1.2m to allow a sports wheelchair.
The bathroom enclosure for the disabled person will include a sink, toilet, grab bars, and shower receptacle in homes.