Purchasing car insurance online is convenient. Not only do you get to buy a policy in a few clicks, but you can also avail of specific discounts for buying it online. Buying, managing, and canceling your best car insurance is now easier than ever before with the online migration of insurance services.
Also, car owners who are looking to buy vehicle insurance must be fully honest and provide valid information to their insurers because any misrepresentation of facts can lead to policy cancellation and/or denial of claims. This is precisely why you need to report any change in living circumstances, driving scenarios, and other essential things to your insurer or make relevant changes in your policy details online.
Failing which, you may end up paying inappropriate premiums or face a threat of your policy being treated as if it never existed by your insurer when a need for a claim arises. The lesson for you here is to stay up to date with your policy details to maintain a clean insurance record and pay correct premiums. In this article, we focus on some common queries about making changes to vehicle insurance policies.
Where do I view/modify my vehicle insurance details?
Viewing/modifying your policy is pretty simple. You can log in to your online account provided by the insurer and glance at your details, including name, contact, email, etc., payment choices, listed drivers, driver age restrictions, chosen excesses, optional extras, vehicle details (like the addition of modifications), driving/claims history, and more.
If some details are no longer applicable, you can modify them to reflect the changes in your living/driving circumstances. Plus, since your online account is accessible at any time, on any device, from anywhere, you can quickly update the details when there is a requirement.
Or, you can even contact your insurer (through email, phone, or customer care) so they make relevant changes in their policy holder’s database.
What if I buy a new car?
If you sell your old vehicle and buy a new one, you should be able to smoothly transfer your current vehicle insurance policy to cover your replacement vehicle. You can revise the vehicle details by logging in to your online account or contacting your insurer and providing them with the new vehicle details (make, model, series, year) so they can do what is needed at their end.
What if I am moving to a new place?
You can view your policy online, quickly edit your address (you may need to provide additional details if you move to another state), check your latest policy and premiums, and pay if any amount is due. Or, you can contact your insurer to get the info revised.
My premiums have changed after revising my policy; why did it happen?
Some details can affect your premiums significantly. For instance, if you move homes to a higher risk zone as perceived by your insurer, you can see your premiums shoot up. However, if you move to a lower-risk location perceived by your insurer, your premiums may come down.
Also, you may pay higher premiums if you choose fortnightly or monthly payments. Suppose you convert to annual payment; you may see comparatively lower premiums. In short, premiums can vary depending on the crucial details you have updated.
Unless you have specifically mentioned or requested your insurer, the changes can’t be made to your policy effective instantly. Even with the best car insurance, you must keep your vehicle insurer informed about situations that can impact your insurance premiums. You can choose car insurance online services or talk to your insurer over a brief call to maintain transparency and prevent denial of claims or policy cancellation due to falsification.