You are organizing an evening at your house with some friends and you would like to spend your time in a different way than usual; for this reason you are thinking about the possibility of seeing a movie. The days of renting movies in the video store are long gone and now that everything is done via the Internet, you wish you could watch a movie for free right from your computer.
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How do you say? Is that right and did I get it right? I imagined. Well, if you want to watch free movies on the Internet, know that it is possible, you just need to know the web addresses of the sites suitable for this purpose. And no, before you know it, I’m not referring to platforms that host multimedia content in violation of copyright. What I have in mind are very different Internet sites from the moment in which, in a completely legal way, they hold the rights to transmit the contents in streaming, offering them to be viewed completely free of charge .
You can visit 123 movie free or soap2dayfree to watch free movies online.
I bet that, at this point, if you are reading these lines you are impatient to find out more. Very well, then I suggest you sit comfortably and take a few minutes to calmly read the instructions that I will give you in this tutorial. I wish you a good reading and a good vision.
VVVVID (Web / Android / iOS)
To see movies for free, the first site I choose to recommend is called VVVVID and it is one of the most famous Internet sites that allow you to watch movies for free, as well as completely legal.
VVVVID is one of the historic Web sites that have always offered the possibility of viewing different types of multimedia content: not only films but also TV series and entertainment shows, passing through Japanese animated films.
The main feature of this website? The contents on this portal have been created in such a way as to facilitate distribution via the Internet and are designed to be viewed in streaming; they are therefore suitable for a wide audience.
VVVVID is in my opinion an excellent site that allows you to watch free movies on a Windows or Mac computer: to access it, one of the most popular browsers is enough to browse the Internet such as Google Chrome or Safari.
It is interesting to note the possibility of watching free movies on VVVVID also via mobile devices; you can in fact download the application of this website for Android and iPhone / iPad .
If you want to watch free movies through VVVVID you have to use its official website : first connect to its website via a browser to surf the Internet and, once you see the home page, you will need to register for a free account .
To do this click on the Register button that you can see located at the top right. Then, to register, you can choose whether to press the Register with Facebook button and then connect via the account of the popular social network or whether to make a manual registration.
In the latter case you will need to fill in the text fields that you will see next to the wording Sign up and indicate your name and surname , your email and choose a password .
After you have also indicated your date of birth and your gender , you will have to accept the terms and conditions of the service by placing a check mark on the appropriate item and then pressing the Register button
MyMovies Live (Web)
One of the most noteworthy (but unfortunately underestimated by many) web portals to watch free movies is the MyMovies Live site .
This is a platform created by the popular movie review website that provides the ability to watch movies completely free of charge via the Internet.
The operation of MyMovies Live is different from any other website in that it functions as a kind of virtual cinema. Free registration is required in order to reserve a seat in a virtual room to watch a movie.
However, this will be made available for viewing only at set times and days, just as if it were a movie at the cinema. The contents will then be transmitted via the Internet for a limited time and with limited virtual seats.
Although this site is basic free, there is the possibility of subscribing to a subscription to activate an advantageous Unlimited profile . Among the additional features given by the subscription to the MyMovies Live site there is the possibility to access an additional catalog of films and to view the multimedia contents at any time, in on demand mode.
However, it must be clarified that this is a decidedly atypical website also because of the contents themselves that are projected. On MyMovies Live you will not easily find the most famous and well-known films but independent films often belonging to lesser-known directors or referring to film cultures of other nationalities. In some cases there are also films more suitable for mass audiences, even if they are “old” films already a few years old.
If you want to start using MyMovies Live to watch movies for free, the first thing you need to do is connect to its official website to register your account for free.
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To do this, you need to click on the Activate a free profile button that you can see on the main page of the website. Once you have registered, you can choose the film to see by choosing from the different categories in the Genres or Collection section .
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